Book Groups

I love book groups!

My own book group has been together for 25 years (!), so I know firsthand the joy of proposing and selecting the books we’ll read together. I love how our discussions always bring insights and answers – and sometimes new questions – to whatever I’ve brought into the space as an individual reader. I often feel as though we’re all assembling a giant puzzle together, a puzzle that wouldn’t be complete without everyone’s individual participation.

Author Visits

My book group enjoys inviting authors to share the story behind the story – and maybe answer some of those pesky questions. If your group has decided to read any of the Cupid’s Fall books, awesome and thank you! And if you’re interested in arranging an author visit (by Zoom) to your discussion, I’d love to make that happen.

Shoot me a message on the contact form and let’s make it a date!

Book Group Discussion Guides

*SPOILER ALERT* – These questions involve key plot points and themes of the story. If you do not want to be spoiled for reading, I suggest you wait until you finish the book before opening the file.

How and when did you get started as a group?
Our group has been meeting for more than a decade now. A group of 4 of us decided we wanted to create a small book group and each of us was allowed to invite one other person to participate, for a total of 8. When one of the original members moved away, we added a new member after considering names from everyone.

How do you select your books?
We take turns choosing the book and facilitating each month. [Thank you, whoever chose First Quiver!]

What time of day do you meet? Is there food/drink involved?
Prior to the pandemic we would meet over dinner at a restaurant (preferably one with a round table). The conversation flowed easily as did the Cosmos and glasses of wine. We always spend time at the beginning catching up on one another’s lives, but we do have great discussions about the book as well.

Any special customs?
We do a holiday gift swap where each of us buys a gift for one person in the group that we pick out of a hat.

What were some of your favorite/least favorite books or discussions?
We seem to gravitate to historical fiction and also enjoy memoirs. These are three memorable get-togethers:

  • Meeting at Alice’s house when she lived in Sudbury to discuss the book, Middlesex written by Jeffrey Eugenides. Not sure if there is any link to the fact that Jeffrey is a 5th generation Greek man, with the mythology that was part of First Quiver, but we did find this to be an interesting read, especially reading about a man with a mutated gene which caused him to have feminine feelings.
  • Another interesting book read was when we met at Walden Pond to discuss The Woman in White.
  • Finally, we really enjoyed reading Girl with a Pearl Earring and having Caryl’s friend’s mother come and speak to us about the artist Vermeer, and this famous painting which the book was written about.

What is the most challenging book you’ve read?
The Overstory by Richard Powers

How has the pandemic changed the way you operate?
No eating out so we have been meeting on Zoom for the past year

• How and when did you get started?
• How do you select your books?
• Does your book group have a name?
• What makes your group unique?
• What time of day do you meet? Is there food/drink involved? Any special customs?
• What were some of your favorite/least favorite books
• What is the most challenging book you’ve read?
• Which books led to your most interesting discussions?
• How has the pandemic changed the way you operate?

Send an email to and attach a photo if you can!