The Quest for Psyche: The Cupid’s Fall series, #4

Now Available!

Unmoored after three crushing heartbreaks. Tested one last time. With the ancient myth of Cupid & Psyche as his guide, can Q finally find Right Love?

“An immersive and entertaining saga . . . a winning balance of mythology, romance, and heat.” –BookLife

Romantic Fantasy | Rom-Com | Soul Mates
Greek Mythology Retellings | Ancient Historical Fiction

Other books in the Cupid’s Fall Series:

Print (US): Paperback $19.99 | Hardcover $29.99
Amazon US | Your Local Indie | Barnes & Noble | Wellesley Books (signed)
370 pages | Isotopia Publishing | Feb. 8, 2022

Advance Praise for THE QUEST FOR PSYCHE:

Greenberg delivers a winning balance of mythology, romance, and heat in the final installment of the Cupid’s Fall series. Still reeling from his fall, Cupid tries to navigate unfamiliar territory as a god surrounded by mortals while searching for his own Right Love. Between Aphrodite’s unfair tactics and the comic histrionics of her counterparts on Mount Olympus, Greenberg has crafted an immersive and entertaining saga. Romance readers open to playful mythology will be invested in both Cupid’s tale and the affairs of the other gods. Cupid initially comes across as a touch empty and superficial, but with time and some serious character development, he transfigures into an earnest hero (and readers will get a kick out of his Earth-based therapy sessions that Greenberg uses to spur and reveal his personal transformation). The slow burn between Psyche, a soul that “has been recycled a hundred times over,” and her star-crossed lover Cupid will please romance fans. Readers will be satisfied when everything comes together in a euphoric ending.–BookLife

“There is a tenderness about Cupid and his Psyche that makes you root for them to finally get their Happily Every After and enough weirdness to their situation that you wonder how that would ever work. I guess the most honest way to review this series – and this last book in particular – is to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed my time with these characters in their world and that I’ll think about them every once in a while, and smile remembering my time with them while wondering how they are doing now. “ –Cecilia, Goodreads

“Greenberg has nailed the contemporary twist on an ancient story! Not only does her humour shine through the narrative, but also her love of ancient myths. The story is propelled by her reader’s wish to discover Cupid’s fate. Several times I stopped and smiled when I noticed elements of Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Greenberg writes with vivid descriptions and incorporates modern communication allowing readers to easily slip into this ancient tale. I was as impressed with how sensitively Greenberg wrote her love scenes and included the LGBTQ community as I was with her raising questions regarding the institution of marriage and attempting to define real love.” –Norma F, NetGalley

 Will Cupid finally get his own chance of love? I would highly recommend this entertaining and witty book for others to enjoy.” –Linda Zagon, Goodreads

“I loved the integration of the classic tale of Cupid and Psyche, brought to life in a unique and charming way. One thing that stood out, as a feminist I found there were so many great moments of respect and boundaries honored in this tale while incorporating sweet romance and a bit of steam as well. Well balanced.” –M.M. Schreier, Goodreads

“What an absolutely lovely ending to this four-book series. After everything Cupid endured through the first three books, how can one not root for him to find his Right Love? Though it wasn’t an easy journey, at least, he had Pan and Reed at his side, cheering him on and supporting him when he doubted he would get his happy ending. And with this finale, we get a much better look into the workings of things on Mount Olympus too. This series has been a joy to read.” –Sally, Goodreads

“Book 4, “The Quest for Psyche” did not disappoint. The gods continue to send Cupid more obstacles to overcome and Psyche is his greatest challenge yet. This part of Cupid’s story is sweet, passionate and in some places laugh out loud funny. I can’t recommend The Cupid’s Fall series enough.” –Fayanne R, Goodreads

About The Quest for Psyche:

Book #4 of the Cupid’s Fall series is a contemporary reimagining of the Cupid and Psyche myth that will leave you breathless to the very last page.

The God of Love is a mess. Heartbroken and unmoored after the torment of three unrequited loves, Cupid resorts to a very human approach to relieving his misery – therapy. His online sessions seem to be working until Dr. Mariposa Rey mysteriously cuts him off. Sensing she needs his help, Cupid sets out on a cross-country adventure to Lake Tahoe, where his heart will be inflamed for one last Worthy. What Cupid doesn’t know is that this fourth test will be his one and only chance at Right Love. With the ancient tale of Cupid and Psyche – the original Love Story – as his guide, Cupid attempts the impossible, a happily eternally after with his reluctant soul mate.

Book 4 may be read as a standalone. The ebook includes a synopsis of books 1-3.

Will Cupid find his Right Love? Here’s a sneak peek!

Excerpt from Chapter 36: THE MAN WHO BELIEVED HE WAS CUPID
(This chapter is told from the POV of Cupid’s fourth Worthy, who knows him only as Quentin Arrows up to this point.)

(Cupid speaks first)
“I knew right away that you were my next Worthy.”


“Yes,” he replied, “a person marked worthy of Aphrodite’s greatest gift, a perfect love match.”

“So that means . . . what? You’re supposed to be finding me my heart’s true love or some such nonsense?”

“That’s exactly right. It also means, whether you believe it or not, I am in love with you . . . but it’s different this time.” She recalled he’d told her that when they’d talked on the phone, and she’d called him out for his latest avoidance tactic.

“How so?”

He leaned in urgently. “If I disappear, it’s not your fault, and I’m sorry.”

Mr. Handsome had the crazies again.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I know, but I needed to say that before I could go on. You heard me, right?”

“Yes. Not my fault. You’re sorry.” But please don’t disappear.

“Okay. I also knew, in that same moment, that you were—you are—my Right Love match.” He blinked hard, then squinted at her.

“Are you telling me I’m in love with you?”

“Yes.” He kept flinching as if expecting to be struck by lightning at any moment. Honestly, it wouldn’t have surprised her if he were. This was officially the weirdest conversation of her life, and she’d treated more than one schizophrenic in her career.

“Okay.” She pressed her fingers to her temples and rubbed deep circles into her skull. “Aphrodite, your mother, the same woman who pushed you off a mountain, has now decided to grant you the perfect love?”

“She’s complicated.”

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