
Cupid’s last chance to earn his happily ever after

The Cupid’s Fall series finale is out!

The Quest for Psyche, book #4 of the series, is Cupid’s final test from the gods. And his very last chance for Right Love.

Every book release is exhilarating in its own way, but this release makes my Cupid’s Fall series officially complete. When you get to “THE END” on the last page, you’ll know everything I know about these characters. No more author secrets up my sleeve!

Okay, where were we?

In case you missed the end of book three (spoiler alert), we left our romantic hero teetering on the edge of heartbreak and depression. Not very nice of me, I know. Believe me, it was no picnic for me either. I hate making my characters suffer – but it had to be done.

Book four opens with Q still down here with us mortals, so we know he will be tested once again. What we readers know – but the God of Love doesn’t – is that Aphrodite’s conscience has forced her to give Cupid one last chance to find Right Love. This time, she will push Cupid toward the one soul in the cosmos whose heart will beat back. If he plays his cards right, IF he figures out how to cross the Liminal Point with his Worthy . . . well, our hero might just get that happily ever after!

Don’t start celebrating yet…

However, if you’ve been paying attention to the rules of echo beats, you are aware that two echo beats doth not a crossing maketh. Winning over his new Worthy won’t be easy for poor Q. The gods have already agreed – one of the very few points agreed upon by Hephaestus, Ares, and Aphrodite – that Cupid needs to really work for this in order to fully appreciate the bountiful gift of Right Love. And work he shall!

First, Cupid’s Worthy is not nearby as the first three were. He’ll have to venture well out of his heart’s range and make himself vulnerable.

Second, Cupid’s Worthy is very likely to drive a wedge between mother and son, a fact Aphrodite knows all too well. You can bet she will not take this lying down!

Third, this is it. Last chance, last dance. Now or never. And as Cupid well knows, eternity is a long damn time to go without love.

And finally, Cupid’s Worthy has closed herself off to love and seems immune to Cupid’s charms. He’s going to have to win her over the old-fashioned way. Let’s just say it’s bound to be a challenge!

Sigh. This is “THE END.”

It is said that once a story is published, it belongs to the readers. Hold our story gently, dear reader.

I hope the series has delighted and surprised you, made you laugh, made you fall in love, made you at least believe in the possibility.

If the ending makes your chest feel a little tight, I hope it’s also warm and tingly. I hope the final scene will make you feel as if you are right there inside it with the characters. I hope the story leaves you with a vivid and comforting vision that you may return to from time to time. (I’ll meet you there.)

I hope you will come along for whatever story happens next – not that I have a clue what that might be.

And I hope you’ll send me a note and tell me if any of this comes true.

Are you ready for Cupid’s final quest?


Print: Paperback $19.99 / Hardcover $29.99

Print Books Outside the U.S.

Want more info?

Head over to the The Quest for Psyche page to read an excerpt, check out what reviewers have to say, and preview the Book Group Discussion Guide. Can this book can be read as a standalone? Yes, but. You’ll enjoy it more if you’ve read the first three. Trust me.

That said, I includede a synopsis of books 1-3 at the beginning of the ebook. Please note, this synopsis ONLY appears in the ebook.

As always, I love hearing your thoughts. Feel free to comment below or shoot me an email.


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Beth Greenberg

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